Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Clay Paths

Saturday found me back at the beaver dam.

I set up under some huge spruce trees; my seat was a stump the beavers left. This painting looks at the two paths coming off the beaver dam and around the corner.

The sun was so bright that the clay looks almost white. The dogwood were red, there was a little bit of green grass along the edges of the path and the little spruce trees were finally fully green. All day the sun played hide and seek in the clouds and the wind chased the clouds across the sky. It was a real coat-on-coat-off kind of day! And still no mosquitoes. Beautiful!

Clay Paths, 8x10, Oil on panel


Terry Elrod said...

Another beauty, Susan!

Susan Box said...

Thanks, Terry, and thanks for sharing "your" spot...it's heavenly!