Monday, May 4, 2009

Off the Walls

Some of my readers have been following my artistic progress for some time (since Before Blogging) and they have asked me to post more of my early work.

Although this blog was originally intended for you to follow my progress from now, I see the value in knowing where I've already been.

I've decided to continue to post my older pieces under the heading "Off the Walls" since that's where they are...well, actually they're ON the walls; but you get my meaning! These posts will be an ongoing but not regular feature. Like little surprises.

The following painting is from a photo of my daughter Stephanie taken when she was about two years old and already enjoying the attention of the camera. This is a nice photo and made a great subject for a painting. It's a favorite for a lot of reasons and happens to have a place of honor on one of MY walls!

Stephanie, 18x24, Oil on Canvas


Unknown said...

Well Suzie Q , Steph was then and still is a beautiful little lady and certainly looks comfortable in the pic. Gonna miss her while she is away !!!

Terry Elrod said...

This is a wonderful and very skilled portrait, Sue. Lovely.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Terry!